Video is the Way to Go

Showcase your newest WealthTech products or optimize your website with video.

What We Offer

F2’s expanded marketing capabilities mean that we can create a plan for your firm or company to implement videos into your marketing strategy. Through a series of motion graphic videos, we’ll help you explain your newest WealthTech product to your advisor base or potential buyers, or we’ll provide the opportunity to optimize your website with video content.

Illustration showing video components

The Process


Initial consultation with F2 Strategy


We collaborate to define your video needs and the scope of work


F2 Strategy creates plan for video implementation


Discovery meeting establishes creative direction


Personalized videos are filmed and produced


You provide input and feedback as videos are created


Finalized videos are shared with your audience via pre-determined channel

What’s a motion graphic video?

It’s a video style that animates images, text, and graphics to help viewers understand something in a visual way. They’re great for breaking down complex concepts or using as explainer videos.

Why video?

It’s a better way to teach people about your tech platform, more influential in tech sales, and it’s a great way to liven up your website content.

Tech Adoption

Increase opportunities for advisors to adopt your firm’s new CRM platform, investment management tool, or planning software with easy-to-understand videos that explain how the tool should be used.

B2B Sales

Influence purchase decisions for your FinTech company’s newest WealthTech tool. Create bite-sized demo videos to show firms and advisors how they would use your tool and the value it provides.

Website Optimization

Elevate the user experience on your asset management firm’s website by incorporating videos that keep visitors engaged with your content, increase brand awareness, and boost site traffic.

Research Supports Video Marketing

The people have spoken, and they prefer to engage with videos for a variety of reasons.


4 out of 5 consumers find video demos helpful for understanding a product’s capabilities


89% of consumers say that watching a video convinced them to buy a product or service


The average user spends 88% more time on websites that have videos

Get Going with Video

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